Monday, December 9, 2013


Community service is an integral component of the Carolina Day School education, and this year's 6th-grade class has partnered with the local, volunteer-based environmental organization Asheville GreenWorks.

Last week, cores one and three met up with Eric at a particularly challenging location along the French Broad River in Woodfin. This site was an unregulated automobile dump site for many decades until recently, when Eric was instrumental in having the property taken over by the city. Prior to our arrival, GreenWorks removed 67,000 tires from the 3-acre site!

We used our time collecting trash and old auto parts, separating them by recyclability. The kids found quite a few fascinating relics from years past and voted to keep a 40-year-old Tennessee license plate as a memento of the time they spent helping to heal our local environment.

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