Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rising Appalachia

     Last week, the sixth graders learned from and performed with the local band, Rising Appalachia.  This opportunity was available through a program called Leaf in Schools and Streets, an outreach of the Leaf music and art festivals at Lake Eden in Black Mountain.  The CDS Arts and Creativity committee brought Rising Appalachia to our campus for an amazing concert, followed by a three-day artist-in-residency program.  The sixth graders met with the band for about an hour each day, learning about voice, rhythm, improvisation with music, and song.  Leah and Chloe, sisters and lead singers of the band, brought soulful voice and song to Stephens Hall last week, as well as lots of fun and energy.  The residency ended with several of our students performing with the band during the Leaf festival on Saturday.  Mr. Broshar and Ms. Heinberg were in attendance, and both said Carolina Day's performance brought down the house!  Enjoy the pictures and video!

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